After having some surprisingly bad news at the dentist, I was looking for a re-mineralizing toothpaste to help with tooth decay and dental regeneration. I wanted something that was fluoride-free, glycerin-free, preservative-free, and free of foaming agents and artificial coloring and flavoring. I found a brand of toothpaste called Earthpaste that fit the bill.
I noticed the toothpaste only had a few very basic and natural ingredients. So I got to thinking, this is unbelievably simple. Why can't I make this myself? So I gave it a try. The results have been amazing. I fiddled around with the recipe a bit, and ended up with one I'm sharing with you today after some trial and error. I just love the way it makes your mouth feel so clean. It is smooth and creamy, but not too thick. My teeth seem whiter and are not as sensitive to cold and heat. I have yet to go to a checkup at the dentist, but I will update you all when I have more to share on that.
This toothpaste is even kid-approved. My 6 year old doesn't want to use any other toothpaste now. I'm happy because, well I'm frugal - and I'm saving a ton of money on toothpaste. Like most DIY's, startup costs can be a little steep, but in the long run it ends up only costing a fraction of the amount.
Prevention is everything, and good oral hygiene, a healthy diet, and eating less sugar is obviously the best way to avoid a cavity. If you think you have a cavity, go to the dentist and get checked out. This recipe is not meant to replace proper dental care. I am simply using it as a more natural means to clean my teeth, and in hopes that the small problems I am currently having with my teeth can be resolved over the next few months before my next 6 month checkup.
- 1/4 cup of Redmond (bentonite) Clay
- 1/4 cup of boiling distilled water
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1/4 teaspoon of Real Salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of xylitol
Essential Oils:
- 15 drops of Protective Blend Essential Oil
- 10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
(I only use therapeutic grade essential oils that are safe for consumption.
For more information on how to purchase these oils, please feel free to contact me.)
- Using a glass container, bring water to a boil
- Add the salt and xylitol, stirring until the ingredients have been completely dissolved.
- Add the coconut oil, stirring until the mixture becomes a liquid.
- Add the bentonite clay, stirring until well combined.
- Let cool completely
- Add your essential oils last, and stir.
- You can prepare this in the glass container you plan on storing the toothpaste in. Or you can pour mixure into smaller glass jars, so that each person in your home as an individual jar of their own toothpaste.
- To use the toothpaste, simply dip your toothbrush in the jar and apply a small amount to bristles. Or if it sounds better, use a small wooden spoon to apply to your toothbrush instead.
WARNING: You are never supposed to use metal utensils with bentonite clay
because the metals can leach from the utensils and be pulled into the clay.
Nerdy Extras:
Bentonite Clay draws toxins, chemicals, impurities, and heavy metals from the gut, skin, and mouth, The clay absorbs the liquids that it comes into contact with, and expands to extract the toxins from the liquid. It is composed of many minerals including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron, and potassium. When used in toothpaste, the clay binds to unhealthy substances in the mouth, such as around the teeth and on the tongue and gums, and helps remove them before you swallow them and become sick. For these reasons, along with its high antibacterial properties, it is the most beneficial ingredient in this re-mineralizing toothpaste.
Coconut Oil is effective in getting rid of viruses and bacteria in mouth.
Real Salt is unrefined and full of natural minerals.
Xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of plants. It does not break down like sugar and can help keep a neutral pH level in the mouth. It also prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth. This is how it protects the teeth from tooth decay.
Coconut Oil is effective in getting rid of viruses and bacteria in mouth.
Real Salt is unrefined and full of natural minerals.
Xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of plants. It does not break down like sugar and can help keep a neutral pH level in the mouth. It also prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth. This is how it protects the teeth from tooth decay.
Protective Blend Essential Oil is full of antibacterial properties and is known for eliminating germs and helping reduce cavities.
Peppermint Essential Oil has many properties including antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antiviral. It has been proved to be more effective at preventing dental plaque formation than your typical antiseptic.1
1. Rasooli I, Shayegh S, Taghizadeh M, Astaneh SD (2008 Sep.) "Phytotherpeutic prevention of dental biofilm formation," Phytother Res. 22(9):1162-7
FDA Disclaimer: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease."
1. Rasooli I, Shayegh S, Taghizadeh M, Astaneh SD (2008 Sep.) "Phytotherpeutic prevention of dental biofilm formation," Phytother Res. 22(9):1162-7
FDA Disclaimer: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease."
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