Essential oils
are so much more that just a scent to uplift your mood. They are made up of the regenerating, protective, and immune boosting properties of the plants they are
extracted from. Essential oils are truly nature's medicine!
In order for an essential oil to be more than just a scent, it needs to be considered therapeutic grade. Those that are perfume (synthetic) grade quality don't have the same restorative benefits as the oils that are therapeutic grade. An inexpensive bottle of tea tree oil from the grocery store will not have the same effect as one of the quality essential oils I use. Therapeutic grade essential oils are made up of tiny molecules, which are lipid
Okay, I'm going to nerd out on a
little science lesson here, sorry...
Substances can be either water or lipid soluble.
Soluble simply means that it can dissolve.
soluble substances can be dissolved in water.
Lipid soluble substances are dissolved
in fat.
Pretty simple.
Stay with me.
Water soluble substances are very large, and cannot
pass through the plasma membranes of a cell.
Lipid soluble substances are tiny, and can pass through the plasma membrane of a cell.
Why does this matter you ask?
Well, inside the nucleus of a cell there
is a receptor, which interacts with DNA.
Simply put, by reaching our DNA, pure therapeutic grade essential oils have the potential to interact
with every cell in our body within 20 minutes of being metabolized.
So, in other words, the oils are able to quickly affect our bodies on a cellular level.
I'm sure all of you have heard of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to reduce damage due to oxygen caused by free radicals. They have been known to help reduce the risks of heart disease, cancer, and slow the aging process.
Free radicals are typically created by environmental factors. Yucky things like pollution,
radiation, and cigarette smoke are all considered free radicals. When there are more free radicals than antioxidants
in our bodies, cell death occurs,
which leads to all kinds of health problems.
Good news is, essential oils are full of antioxidants!
Other things known to have high
antioxidant values are omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), organic berries,
nuts, and sweet potatoes (so try and incorporate those into your diet as well).
It sounds
outlandish to some, but essential oils have many, many healing properties. I myself did not believe they
could be so varied and dynamic in their uses
until I was able to test them for myself. These oils are known to be antibacterial, anti-fungal,
anti-infectious, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, anti-parasitic, antiviral, and antiseptic. I didn't believe
it, but after experiencing it firsthand I know it's true!
(I only use therapeutic grade essential oils that are safe for consumption.
For more information on how to purchase these oils, please feel free to contact me.)
FDA Disclaimer: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease."
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